Both Transport Protocols offer two different modes of operation. These are
referred to as Transport and Tunnel mode. Transport mode is used to protect the
data contained within an IP packet payload. Tunnel mode is used to protect an
entire IP datagram by encrypting the original header along with the payload data.
This encrypted data is then encapsulated in a new IP datagram using header
information that is suitable for public network routing. Since Tunnel mode retains
the original IP header information, it can be used to process network traffic on
behalf of other hosts. This allows an IPSEC Peer to function as a security
gateway by encrypting and encapsulating all traffic that matches a security policy
and then forwarding the protected traffic to an appropriate peer gateway. The
peer gateway then decapsulates and decrypts the traffic which can then be
routed based on the original IP header information.
The only mode of operation currently supported by the Shrew Soft VPN
Client is Tunnel mode.